Homeland Security Secretary: Report Suspicious Photographers

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano is doing press interviews following a policy speech she gave earlier this week. Her message is that everyday citizens, as well as law enforcement agencies, need to be vigilant. In an interview this morning on Fox News, she said this could mean calling the cops when you see someone photographing "critical infrastructure":

"One of the things that we ask people to do is when they see something unusual, if they see, for example, somebody continually taking photographs of a piece of critical infrastructure that doesn't seem to make any sense, or a package left unattended on a bus platform, to report that to local law enforcement so it can be followed up on."

(The quote is about 50 seconds from the end of the clip. If you can't play the video above, try playing it here.)

We could explain (for the hundredth time) how police investigations of photographers are very unlikely to expose terrorists, and far more likely to waste everybody's time. But instead we'll borrow some of Napolitano's own words: Her advice "doesn't seem to make any sense."

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